
Showing posts from January, 2011

DML over DBLINK - ORA-01031

Hi All, here i want to share a simple problem which i have faced today. I was asked to solve an insert into over dblink issue where the user got ORA-01031: insufficient privilege inspite of having required privilege. So I ran a test case and found the below result linkB2A: A database link is from database A to B as user USER_A of Database A: create table USER_A.tbl_shaon (id number); insert into USER_A.tbl_shaon values(1); insert into USER_A.tbl_shaon values(2); commit; select * from USER_A.tbl_shaon; ID 1 2 grant insert on USER_A.tbl_shaon to USER_B; ------------------------------------------------------------ as user USER_B of Database B: insert into USER_A.tbl_shaon@linkA2B values (6); ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-02063: preceding line from linkA2B ------------------------------------------------------------ as user USER_A of Database A: grant select on USER_A.tbl_shaon to USER_B; as user USER_B of Database B insert into USER_A.tbl_shaon@linkA2B values (6); select * from...