Database Link with Oracle to MSSQLServer
Here I have posted about how to connect with MSSQLSERVER from Oracle. There is a difference between Oracle 10g and 11g. In 10g parameter HSODBC is used inithsodbc file and In 11g DG4ODBC is used in initdg4odbc file. Using Generic Connectivity (HSODBC) we can create db link between Oracle and SQL server. Machine (1) DB Version : Oracle 10g Operating System : RHEL 5.4 IP : Host : abcdbt Machine (2) Version : SQL Server 2005 Operating System : Windows server 2008 x86 IP : Host : SQLDEV1 User/PW : sa/abc@123! (Connect to database) Database : SQLTEST (exsisting) Table : T (“ T “ is the table existing in SQLTEST database with 10 rows) Prerequisites in Machine (2): a) Oracle 10g software b) User account to access SQL Server database (sa/abc@123!) c) Existing SQL Server Database (SQLTEST) d) Tables (testing purpose) (T) Steps: 1) Install Oracle (Only SW,No need of database) (Machine 2) 2) Create a DSN where your windows Oracle 10g SW resides (Machine 2) Cont...