Log is not getting shipped in SQL Server Logshipping
Well Problem could be of different types. But common issues are few. Cause Inside the LSRestore job history, you can find out two kind of messages : – Restore job skipping the logs on secondary server Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: ‘logshippingSecondary’, File: ‘\\myDB\logshipping\logshippingPrimary_20090808173803.trn’ – Backup log older is missing *** Error 4305: The file ‘\\myDB\logshipping\logshippingPrimary_20090808174201.trn’ is too recent to apply to the secondary database ‘logshippingSecondary’. **** Error : The log in this backup set begins at LSN 18000000005000001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 18000000004900001 can be restored. Transaction Log backups can only be restored if they are in a sequence. If the LastLSN field and the FirstLSN field do not display the same number on consecutive transaction log backups, they are not restorable in that sequence. There may be several re...