As a DBA, often I need to deal with Client's Jobs. Sometimes the jobs got hault, needs to break etc etc. Here are some useful commands for this sort of operations. ## Job Owner Schema can do this execute dbms_job.remove(444); execute dbms_job.broken(444, true); ## If Sys User needs to remove the job exec SYS.DBMS_IJOB.REMOVE(444); ## to find which jobs are running SELECT a.sid, c.serial#, a.job, a.failures, to_char(a.this_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi pm') startdatetime, b.what FROM dba_jobs_running a, dba_jobs b, v$session c WHERE a.job = b.job AND a.sid = c.sid order by a.this_date ##let say we have only sid and serial and we need to kill the process from both OS and database. So first we need to find out the SPID. this query for any RAC database select P.SPID ,S.SID ,S.SERIAL#, S.SCHEMANAME, S.PROGRAM, S.INST_ID, S.OSUSER, S.STATUS from gv$process p, gv$session s where P.ADDR=S.PADDR and S.SID=888 and s.serial#=9293; ## kill the job al...
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